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    Famous for his early Whistler bike park edits, Remy has spent countless hours pushing the limits of bike, body and trail. Tackling the most exposed and difficult terrain in the world with speed and style has put Remy in the top percentage of the world’s very best riders.

    Remy’s unique riding style, technical fortitude and insane POV ride content puts him at the top of the MTB game. With endless energy for creating unrivalled ride inspiration, SIXSIXONE are stoked to announce brand partnership and collaboration on product development and content to get you inspired to ride.

    Remy will be riding in a variety of SIXSIXONE products including the new Recon Advance Knee & Elbow Protection, Evo upper body protection, DBO pads – all featuring world renowned D3O impact technology – along with wrist & ankle supports and the SIXSIXONE classic, the Raji Glove.

    On and off the bike Remy’s energetic, authentic persona gives the best representation of why the mountain bike lifestyle is so enjoyable. Push your limits and get inspired to ride with 661 Protection and Remy Metailler.

    Photo's Trevor Lyden